Thursday, July 5, 2007


I was wondering on things like so many stuff that around us.Everyday we see things happening and we are just ignoring just because it's right there and we are noticing but so busy that we never pay attention to it.How can we be so irresponsible for important stuff that is just not yet done because you feel so lazy or lame excuse like don't have much time for it.

well just in case you don't understand what I'm talking about is our lifestyle.Look around you and see what you need to be done and get your ass up and start working....Don't take anything for granted.


Anonymous said...

Hey I do pay attention and time to important things... Isn't that a reason why I am reading and replying to your blog... ;)


jenny said...

Hehehe ya right...

Unknown said...

Jenny...thats a sweet name:)

Anonymous said...

not right now.. i've got to go to bed.. maybe i'll start tomorrow :P

jenny said...

Thnx VJ!I like it too!!!

jenny said...

Sure shabs anytime is good